Friday 8 February 2013

Seven Replies to Common Text Marketing Excuses

Not convinced that text marketing is the perfect choice for your business? What is holding you back? There are many excuses. But that’s all they are, simply excuses. There isn’t an excuse out there that doesn’t have valid response arguing against it. Text marketing is brilliant for nearly any sort of business. Some of the most successful industries include Real Estate, Restaurants and Hotels, however it is also proven to be extremely effective in Retail and even Non-Profit industries, like Churches. Let’s discuss some of the reasons to skip a text marketing campaign, and find out if any of them make sense.

Excuse #1: “It’s too impersonal.”
Nope, just the opposite in fact. A newspaper advertisement is impersonal. A poster is impersonal. Sending messages directly to someone’s personal mobile phone is extremely personal – as long is it is done tastefully.

Excuse #2: “I can’t afford it.”
This is ridiculous. Advertising is expensive! It costs a great deal of money to print a billboard, or run a television commercial, and these are tactics that are often ignored. Text marketing plans are completely customizable and have a range of price plans that would be fitting for a large company, small business, or even an individual. Mobile marketing is cheap, especially compared to other options.

Excuse #3: “I don’t have time to learn a whole new technology.”
This response is actually funny! There is nothing new about text messaging. We have all been doing it for years, it is actually the primary way many people communicate with their friends and family. Applying it to your business communications is simple, it just involves a little creativity and a good company – such as Social Fuse – will walk you through it step by step.

Excuse #4: “Only teens know how to text message.”
This is just a myth. Over 75% of adults text on a daily basis - 50% of people in their 60’s regularly use text messaging also. Text messaging has been popular for many years, and its user base continues to grow exponentially.

Excuse #5: “I don’t want to limit my outreach to smartphone users only.”
Smartphones are capable of many things, such as applications and other fancy features, however text messaging is a feature that all phones are capable of – even the older models. Text messaging comes standard in nearly every mobile plan.

Excuse #6: “I could just call people directly.”
Sure, but today’s society finds voice calls to be intrusive. People would rather text than talk. Telemarketers are a thing of the past, and any response you get from dialing a potential customer will likely be negative.

Excuse #7: “People will just delete my messages.”
If someone digs through the paper to clip a coupon, I doubt they would delete a mobile version of one! 97% of messages are read and opened.

How to Create an SMS Text Marketing Plan?

In SMS text marketing, messages are limited to 160 characters. This is the standard text message maximum for standard cell phones, even though nowadays smartphones are capable of much longer messages. In order to reach the greatest number of customers or clients, it is best to stay within the 160 character limit, simply because you wouldn’t want to alienate anybody from your marketing campaign. Don’t be deterred by this limitation however, it is actually a good thing. It forces your campaign to be brief and to the point. No fluff or unnecessary words. People like this, and will respond much more positively to your messages.

Just because your messages must be short, doesn’t mean that they don’t require the proper planning beforehand. Messages can’t just be haphazardly thrown together. The most successful SMS text marketing campaigns are cleverly planned and a little strategy is certainly involved. Without a little prepping, you risk the chance of annoying your customer database and you’ll find yourself with more opt-outs than you’d like. Now, an SMS text marketing plan doesn’t require months and months of planning, but a little time will definitely prove to show successful results in the long run. Here is how to perfect your perfect text marketing plan:

Firstly, you’ll want to define your schedule. Create your text marketing campaign with the intention of sending out your messages in batches, with an even amount of time in between. You won’t want to send text blasts too frequently, but just enough to stay on the minds of your clients and customers. It’s important to regularly reach out to people, but you don’t want to be hasty and make any mistakes or typos. This brings me to the next tip, which is write ahead. Take the time to craft your message so that it has the perfect amount of power and effectiveness to connect with your customers. If you wait until the last minute to write your marketing message, you most likely will not be sending a memorable message.

Remember that SMS marketing is a very personal way of reaching people. You’ll want to be sure your messages are as relevant as they can possibly be. Separate your clients or customers into different lists – these lists can be based on their buying preferences or demographic. This allows your customers to have more control over the way they are marketed to, and minimizes opt-out rates. Targeting your customers in a direct way is very effective. From here, you can track your campaign results accurately. Figure out what people are responding to best, and what isn’t working as well. This means you can fine-tune your SMS text marketing campaigns to reach more clients and have a bigger impact.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Mobile Website is Key in Text Marketing for Retail

Text marketing for retail stores has completely changed the way consumers shop nowadays. Retailers are amongst the top types of businesses that can benefit the most from text message marketing. Whether you are completely new to the technology, or you have been utilizing it for a while, there is never a shortage of information to look over or ways to amplify your business. One of the best things a retail store should invest in, is creating a mobile website. You may think to yourself, ‘I have website, why would I need another?’ Good question.

You may have a website that is perfect for viewing on the computer - ideal for internet shopping and catalog browsing. A mobile website is designed a bit differently with the intention of viewing it on a cell phone. Cleverly done mobile sites offer quick, to-the-point information, which is what someone on the go would be searching for. Your mobile site needs to be simple, easy to navigate, and include such information like store hours, locations, directions and phone numbers. Think of your mobile website as a means of introducing yourself to a new customer.  

QR codes are nice little features that add to text marketing for retail stores. Place a QR code on a sign or in an advertisement, and link your potential customers right to your mobile site. They can check out instantaneously what you are all about. Not to mention, QR codes can store cell user’s numbers right into your customer database, and from here you can market to them – perhaps send a coupon or a sale notification from your store. Some of the best ways of using SMS text marketing in a retail environment include simple notifications.

Of course, mobile coupons and deals are a great way to drive traffic through your door, but simply letting your customers know about a special event, or a great sale, or even new merchandise will keep your store on their mind – and they will be more likely to shop with you in the future. The most important thing to remember about text marketing is that the technique gives you constant access to your customers, connect with them anytime – in the blink of an eye.

Text message marketing for retailers will help provide customers with more value for the money they spend, and in turn – they will become frequent, loyal customers. This form of marketing is simple, inexpensive, effective and best of all – it improves your store reputation. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the results of your campaigns. Track what is working best, and what isn’t working as well. From here you will build stronger campaigns and connect on a deeper level with your customer database.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Two Examples of Text Message Marketing for Retailers

I’m sure you are aware of the great benefits of text message marketing for the retail industry by now. The retail world is one of the best fitting industries to implement a modern marketing campaign. There are so many directions text marketing can go in, and to make things even more interesting, there is such a huge variety when it comes to the different types of retail stores out there. No matter what, people shop. We all need to eat, dress, live and be entertained . . . right? Shopping is something that has become more accessible than ever before, people no longer need to leave their house. They can shop online, or even pick up their phone to dial in an order.

Let’s take a look at some of the different ways text message marketing can be used for two very different types of retailers.

Let’s say Joe owns a hardware store. In order to build his text marketing database, he posts a sign near his register that reads, “Text HARDWARE to 96000 for special deals.” Upon texting-in, Joe offers an immediate discount for his customers during their check out. Now, Joe can let everyone know about sales or promotions he has for his store. Half-price snow blowers, special sale on bolts, 20% off hand tools . . . you name it! In addition to sending out text message coupons and promotions, Joe sends out occasional seasonal tips for home improvement. He likes to let people know about green friendly upgrades for bulbs and outlets, plus he offers advice regarding spring cleaning and maintenance, in addition to early prepping for an icy winter. Joe appreciates his loyal customers.

Sally has a small market in the heart of town. She sells fresh fruit and vegetables, but she only chooses produce from local organic farmers. She bakes her own bread daily also, so she prides herself on selling delicious, fresh food. She builds her database by placing an advertisement in the local newspaper. It reads, “Text SALLY to 96000 for a free loaf of squaw bread with any purchase.” People take a second look at Sally’s advertisement. Everybody loves a good deal, right? Sally finds herself baking up a storm to keep up, but she doesn’t mind – she has a line out the door! Now, Sally can let everyone know when the fall apples are harvested, or when a delicious crop of green beans arrive. She promotes her local presence, and offers special discounts to her customers who live in the neighborhood. Sally also uses text message marketing to provide how-to cooking tips for her fruits and veggies, like the secret to a perfect peach pie. Sally enjoys a solid loyal customer base, and they appreciate her connection to the local farmers.

Monday 4 February 2013

Four Excuses Addressed in Text Message Marketing

Are you a business owner who is still on the fence regarding text message marketing? If so, it’s high time to quit making those excuses. Maybe it was a budget thing, or you weren’t sure you would understand the technology. Well, text message marketing is the most affordable marketing method out there yet, and there is nothing new about the technology. People have been using text messaging as a major form of communication for years – applying to your business is not much different than how it is used on a personal level. Perhaps some of the questions in your head causing you to hesitate going forward with your mobile marketing approach are more complicated. How about these for a few examples:

Excuse #1: “People are going to find it intrusive.”
Nobody will find anything about text message marketing intrusive as long as the technology is used appropriately. Sure, cell phones are very personal devices – which is why there are so many guidelines regarding best practices to follow. Don’t generate messages too often, think about how many you would want to comfortable receive from a business you frequent. Once a week is generally a good frequency to consider. Did you know that 1 in every 4 messages results in a sale?

Excuse #2: “My messages will go ignored.”
First of all, 97% of text messages are opened and read within five minutes. How is that for not going ignored? As for the message itself, just make sure your message is valuable. Make sure whatever you send is something that people will want to open and read. Mobile coupons are a sure thing that will be appreciated - everybody loves a good deal! Useful information is always good to send also. Keep your customers in the loop. Let everybody know about your Happy Hour specials, or holiday business hours.

Excuse #3: “Nobody will want to opt-in.”
This will require a bit of creativity on your part, but it isn’t difficult at all to encourage people to opt-in to your text message marketing campaign. Provide an incentive, like a special promotion just for opting in. Nobody will be able to resist it. Also, make sure people are aware of exactly what to expect. Let them know they will receive exclusive discounts and promotions via text message from your business, and that they can opt-out at any time. Educate your employees or staff members to talk to people about how it works.

Excuse #4: “160 characters is a tight limit.”
True, but this actually works in your advantage. People appreciate messages that are short and sweet. This means that your messages must remain to the point – which ensures a positive response from your clients and customers.